Sack Race

A jumping experience!
Environment and Set Up
- Find a safe space with even ground (non slip).
- Sacks or pillowcases for everyone racing.
- Use markers or cones to set up a starting line.
- Use a marker or cone to set up a turning point for each person.
- Everyone stands at the start line.
- Everyone gets in their sack/pillowcase.
- The race begins when a designated person says ‘Go!’
- Everyone must jump their way to the marker, turn and come back to the starting line.
- The first person that successfully returns to the starting line still in their sack/pillowcase wins!
- Have awesome fun and race as many times as you like!
Change it Up!
- If you have more than 1 family, you can create two or more teams and race against each other in a relay! This means when a person returns to the starting point they have to get out of the sack/pillowcase and help the next person into it so they can have their turn!
- Whichever team has all their members complete their turns first, wins!
Sack race photo attribution: By Virginia State Parks staff (Sack race!Uploaded by AlbertHerring) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
To understand any movements better, go to the