Obstacle Courses — Jump, skip, run and hop!

Best suited for 2-5 year olds
Obstacle courses are easy to set up brain games for kids. You can set one up right in your living room.
Create simple obstacle courses using household supplies, increase the complexity with creative obstacles for older kids.
Obstacle courses help enhance your child’s gross motor, visual perception, motor planning, coordination, problem-solving, critical thinking and language skills.
There are so many versions of obstacle courses! Here are some items you can use to create an obstacle course indoors: pillows, chairs, tables, cushions, sofa, tables, storage boxes, string, paper, balls, hula hoops.
A typical obstacle course would include for you to do the following: something to walk on, crawl under, crawl through, jump, throw, hop, solve a riddle, the possibilities are endless!
You can adapt a simple obstacle course for older children by including puzzles and riddles as obstacles to pass through!
To understand any movements better, go to the