
It is like baseball, only without the bats.

How to play:

  • Prepare the ground by marking home base, first base, second base and third base similar to a baseball pitch.
  • Divide the group into two teams (6+2). Decide the kickers and outfielders among the two teams through toss.
  • One parent can be a full-time pitcher.
  • The pitcher will place the ball on the home base, and a player from the kickers’ team kicks the ball as far as possible.
  • After kicking the ball, the player can run in either direction, complete one full round touching all the bases and return to home base.
  • Meanwhile, the outfielders will try to catch the ball and return to the home base before the kicker could reach. If the outfielders succeed, then it is strike one for the kicker.
  • After three such strikes, the kicker is out and the next kicker comes in.
  • Count the number of times each kicker was able to complete running through all the bases without getting struck out — this makes one inning.
  • Both the teams will play one inning each. The team with the highest score wins.

To understand any movements better, go to the

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