Egg & Spoon Race

It’s a balancing act!
Environment and Set Up
- Find a safe space, with even ground (non slip).
- Mark out a finish line with fitness cones or something similar.
- Everyone needs a teaspoon (or a tablespoon if they are a little person).
- Everyone will need a hard-boiled egg (or alternatively you can use golf balls!)
- Arrange all family members at the start line with an egg and a teaspoon each. Choose someone to announce the start of the race.
- When you are ready to start the race, everyone places the egg onto their spoon and then places their other arm behind their back.
- The race starts when the nominated start person says ‘Go!’
- Everyone runs as fast as they can to the finish line (without the egg rolling off the spoon).
- If the egg falls off the spoon, the person starts again!
- Whoever crosses the finish line first, with their egg still balanced on their spoon and an arm behind their back, wins.
- Have oodles of fun and race as many times as you like!
To understand any movements better, go to the