Beanbag Tag

Environment and Set Up
- Find a safe space to play in (a backyard, the beach or down at the park is great!)
- The same amount of beanbags are needed as players
- Everyone is in
- Background upbeat music is great to have on as well, but not a requirement!
- Pick 3 different fitness movements – e.g. squats, jumping, and push-ups. Once a person is tagged they have to choose one of these movements to repeat 10 times, before joining back in on the game
- Start the game by someone saying ‘go’ and everyone starts running around
- A person chases another and can tag them by throwing the beanbag using an under-arm action.
- The aim is to hit someone between the shoulders and the feet (no head shots)
- Once a person is hit they must do some form of fitness movement (e.g. 5 squats/10 push ups – whatever has been picked)
- Play for as long as you like!
To understand any movements better, go to the