Be smart about fat

Healthy fats are an important part of our diet. They help us get and stay full. They also benefit our brains, improving memory and lifting mood. The key is to make sure your kids are eating the right fats.

Healthy fats are unsaturated fats. These can be:

  • monounsaturated – olive oil, avocados, nuts (almonds or pecans), and seeds (pumpkin or sesame)
  • polyunsaturated – flaxseed, walnuts, or omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon or sardines.

Unhealthy fats are trans fats. These can be found in:

  • vegetable shortening
  • margarine
  • fried foods
  • baked goods
  • processed foods made with “partially hydrogenated” vegetable oils
  • packaged foods such as crackers, cookies, or snack foods.

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