Train Tracks

Environment and Set Up

  • Find a safe, flat space to play in (a backyard, the beach or down at the park is great!)
  • Mark out a start and finish line with cones or beanbags (20 metres for one family, otherwise it can be made bigger for more families to join in)
  • A ball of some kind is needed – a soccer ball size or bigger works well.
  • Everyone joins in (including other families and friends)
  • Background upbeat music is great to have on as well, but not a requirement


  • Lie down on your backs in a line (close to each other) parallel to the finish line (behind the start line)
  • Everyone has their arms in the air ready to receive the ball
  • The person closest to the start line starts with the ball
  • When someone says go, that person will pass the ball to the next person and so on until it reaches the last person in the line. That person will then jump up with the ball and run as fast as they can (behind everyone’s heads) and lie down next to the person who started with the ball and continue passing the ball down the track.
  • Repeat this process until you have all passed the finish line.
  • Repeat and play for as long as you like!

To understand any movements better, go to the

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